Yes Folks...through the miracle of modern Web technology, you too can feel as if you are in Larry's lap, as you take a look at these pictures from the Animation Festival, as shot from Larry's POV (and no, pictures of girl's butts!) For some reason, I got this annoying line through the top 1/3 of every picture. Processing error!

Thomas thinking to himself, "Is that a cucumber in my pants, or am I happy....Oh, it's a cucumber!"

Ladies and Gentlemen...the Smiling Heads! (Steph and LoriG)

Laura, caught in the act of jumping Larry for taking her picture.

Thomas that the Cookie Monster?

Folks...i've got 3 sets of all these pictures. If you want copies...let me know ( and i'll get them to ya.

Also...I have made an audio bootleg of the wonderful performance Laura and John gave us. For a nominal fee (just to cover the cost of the tape and shipping) you can have your very own copy of "St. Monday w/ the Nerd Chorus"! e-me with your request.

For a different perspective, of the party, check out Digital pictures of Larry & Hawk's 1st Annual Animation Fest courtesy of LoriG & Allen.

To the St. Monday Unplugged pix

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