(love the background color, or leave it...it was the best I
could do!)
These are the Lar-a-thon pix. Any corrections, send them to me ASAP
at lsinger@cox.net. Otherwise, this
is how it is:

Neighbor Ed and me
(notice the tie...appropriate??)

The Nerds invade the Gypsy: (r-l) Thomas,
someone, Allen, Scott,
Hawk, Me,
LoriG, Derek,
Jeanelle (Nerd by association, Derek's girlfriend); in the background, Buddha®

Sure he's good looking, ladies... (r-l; Reptile, Reptoddler, & Reptila)

...but he's taken (Reptile (l)
and me (r))

Edward Scissorhands opens up a birthday

Scott awestruck finding out that Allen
wants to join Galatea as the bongo
[in the back: (l-r) LoriG, Allen, &
Scott. In the front: (l-r) Jerry, Jules.
In the middle (l-r) Derek,
RTE, Jeanelle.]

Scott attempts to ward off the Silly
String Monster
To get to Page 2 of the photos
click here
And what Larry page could be complete without a plug for his web page:
and don't forget the Pythonathon/Melebration/Woodystock photos at: http://www.larrsinger.com/Pythonathonpix.html
(if you haven't checked out the Pythonathonpix lately, check them out again...theres
been an addition!)
Also: The Yellow page(s) are still up - http://www.larrysinger.com/Yellowpages.html
This is the same guestbook and counter from my web page (i.e., they aren't
for shit), so use accordingly.
My Guestbook
My Guestbook

people served.
Web Counter courtesy of http://www.digits.com/
To return to the Yellow Wall, click here>