Live from the 
----------------------------------------------Volume 3

Yet even more nerds!! Back: ACME, Thomas, John, RTE; Middle: Reptile, Nicole,
Laura, Steph, suz; Front: cetr, Larry

Fellow Yellows (l-r): Back: Thomas, suz, RTE, Reptile, cetr; Middle: KYLE
(the man who goes through life in ALL CAPS!), drea, Steph; Front (not even
paying attention):Larry & Laura

"Peace, brother!" Thomas & ACME reminiscing.

drea, shmoozing it up with Mike Morrison (what do you think that piece of
paper might be? Mmmaaaaabbbbyyeeeee a FREELOADERS flyer??) (Larry moves
his big fat head out of the way for this shot)

Drea & Steph, attempting to mimic the Beth Hart Band picture behind
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