Self explanatory again: (l-r) Steph, Thomas More, Zoetrope, Larry, Ms. T, Danny, Scott
Larry hugging his favorite person
Dr. Zoetrope being rewarded after performing the miracle seperation surgery on Ms. T (l) and Steph (r).
Ms. T & Thomas More (with a pair of misplaced bunny ears)
Scott's smile is contagious: (l-r) Danny, Julie, Scott
Steph and Danny...apparently looking at different cameras.
To get to my Map of Yellow Pages
I've got 3 sets of these pictures. If you want some, e-me and we'll work out some arrangement. I imagine i'll need to make some more copies of the "Friends" pictures. There is an annoying scratch at the top of each picture, as you may see...i'll get that taken care of, I hope.