Subject: Patti's back!!
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 16:16:19 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
Dear Patti-
I stumbled on your website by a total fluke. Well...actually, I did want
to see if I typed in "Patti Rothberg" what would come up (to see if
there would be any new music from you on the web) - and lo and behold,
there you you are with an announcement of a new album AND great sounding
song samples. What a treat!
I had seen you play at the Mission Inn Coffee House in Riverside (i've
even got the pictures to prove it: ). You played with Poe. We
took a picture together - I doubt if you would remember, but I did kind
of stick out - i'm in a wheelchair and have a black labrador. I later
saw you at Huntington Beach at a surf competition playing with the
Wallflowers. I had copies of the pictures and was going to give them to
you, but I chickened out - so it's cool I get to share them with you
over the web.
Anyhow...I love the site and love the song samples. I eagerly anticipate
the albums release. That was a bummer about EMI folding. It's a good
thing about the web coming along, though. It's an easy way for "small"
artists to reach a potentially huge audience. Have you ever checked out
Brenda Kahn's website highlighting indie woman artists? Just another way for indie artists to get wide
exposure - and keep the proceeds for themselves, as it should rightly
I see you've got a lot of New York tour dates. Any chance you'll be
coming out West and playing to Southern California?? do portraits from pictures?? What size is the $130 picture?
Does the customer send you a photo and you paint it from there?? Can you
do it from a picture sent over the web, or do you need a live picture?
The reason i'm asking so many questions is because i'm getting married
this coming July and what better present than a portrait of us painted
by Patti Rothberg! Please let me know.
Thanks for all the great music!
Subject: One more thing...
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 16:24:40 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
When you came to Southern California, you played at KSCA 101.9 (on
Nicole Sandler's show). That station is no more (it's an all Spanish
music estacion), but the format has been taken up by Channel 103.1: - so know that your album will have a
ready-made home in Southern California - and i'm certain they would love
to have you play in the studio if you ever came to So Cal!
Subject: Re: Patti's back!!
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 15:07:07 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
To: "Larry Singer (by way of Judy Tipograph <>)" <>
Hi Larry!!! I love your message and those pics are fabulas!! I LOVE Brenda,
I've played with her a few times, I know her and think she's great, and I'm
supposed to be joining WOMANROCK very soon. Thanks for checking out the new
soundbytes and we're working on a new record deal....will be out this summer
with some crossed fingers! Love, Patti
Subject: Re: Patti's back!!
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 15:11:14 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
Thanks for your reply. I look forward to the new album. Will the record
deal be with a new major, or are you doing it independently??
You didn't answer the last part of my letter, so i'll assume you don't
do portraits anymore...or mabye you just didn't see the question. Let me
try again:
> do portraits from pictures?? What size is the $130
> Does the customer send you a photo and you paint it from there?? Can
> do it from a picture sent over the web, or do you need a live picture?
> The reason i'm asking so many questions is because i'm getting married
> this coming July and what better present than a portrait of us
> by Patti Rothberg! Please let me know.
Subject: Re: Patti's back!!
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 12:22:25 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
My dearest Larry, I DO do portraits from pictures!! In fact that is almost
always how I do it, and the $130 bargain price gets you a whopping 9X12
standard sized convenient for framing (sarcasm not included) portrait of the
subject(s) of your choice. I do not charge extra per head in the picture. I
would LOVE to paint you and your lovely wife a custom portrait!!! If you
wanna do an epic mantle piece, (18X24) I will do that for $500. It is gonna
be awesome either way! I've done the american gothic spoof, and will
superimpose you and your wife into your preferred specified setting.
Congratulations! I look forward to being a fly (painting) on the wall of
your new happy home. Sincerely, Patti
Subject: Sold!
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 18:13:44 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
I am very interested in a painting of us. The 9 X 11 fits right into my
budget, but the 18X24 would overextend me (secret: I'm getting an Elvis
impersonator to come and croon - that's $150!). I was thinking of
getting one of the John Lennon handwritten lyrics signed by Yoko - but
you win out (actually, we've already got "Grow Old With Me" anyhow). We
just moved into this house, and still haven't hung the art, so your
"fly" would make a wonderful addition on our wall. I don't know about
American Gothic, though. I would probhably want to see some samples.
However, attached to this e-mail, i'm sending you the picture that I
would like to use. It's Terry's favorite picture of us. I don't know how
appropriate it would be for what you do. I think there might not be
enough detail to reproduce. And, it's really dark so it's hard to tell
things like what our hair looks like. However, I have daylight pictures
from that day that show our hair better. I don't be the judge
and let me know. Also, I would give you artistic license to embellish
the dark area with whatever knick-knacks and eccentricities you can
think of (hey...I saw your cool jeans...I know you know how to
Forgive me for seeming like I have nothing better to do than write to
you, but...I do have a lot of time on my hands. I told you I use a
wheelchair -p cause i'm a quadriplegic. I am, by nature, very active,
but I have been fighting a pressure sore (on my butt) for the past year
which has totally slowed me down. I hve been treated as an inpatient
(hospital for 3 months) and an outpatient (at home, in bed, for 8
months) - for the most part unsuccessfully. Luckily, the thing that has
kept me from going completely stir crazy (at least since December) is
that I had my laptop and internet connection set-up bedside. It has been
a godsend, as I did some net searching and came up with a miracle
treatment that has healed this thing 95% in just about 7 weeks!
If you ever have some free time, yoou can check out the story of my
fiancee and I: (there's
more pictures there so you can get a better idea of what you're working
with...warning, it's a pretty sappy sweet story).
Also, since I have you as a captive audience, I gotta tell you about
this groovin' local band, Zoey's Trip. Check 'em out at They're playing at our wedding because one of
their songs is one of "our" songs ("I Still Feel The Same"). Sound
samples are on the site.
Let me know if you can fulfill my request and i'll send off money to
you. Thanks a lot!
Subject: Re: Sold!
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 13:38:54 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Dear mr. Singer, Wow, your story is amazing. I checked out your site and a
few of your photos and you really truly are an exceptional man with an
exceptional fiance! I am proud to paint your fly portrait starting
immediately in the most excellent 9X12 variety! All ya gotta do is goto
Patti and click on the blue portrait info thingie. Or you can
send your official order and check to me c/o Judy Tipograph, 637 Grant
Terrace Teaneck, NJ 07666. You're an inspiration. And you look cute in the
picture too., Love, Patti ps thanks
Subject: Well thank you!
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 11:26:54 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
I'm glad you liked the story - thanks for the compliments. That really
means a lot because...well, you're Patti Rothberg! You probably like to keep
low key and all, but I must tell you thatt "Between The 1 And The 9" was,
along with Jeff Buckley's "Grace", THE album of the year for me!
Well...enough adulation for one letter! So you're starting the fly
portrait...are you going to do the straight ahead portrait from the picture
with embellishments? I said, take full artistic license...I know it
will be wonderful. I just have one request...that you date it July 4, 2000 -
and give yourself credit on the picture - you. know, sign it (so that we can
brag to all our friends about our "Patti Rothberg" hanging on the wall). That
is...if you don't mind doing that to your pictures.
I will get the check off to you soon. Do I need too print the order form
from the website? As I told you, i'm pretty much confined to bed for the
time, and I need to be sitting up to print it. I swear..this bed confinement
is cramping my style. This is the first time in my 12 years as a quad that I
really feel "disabled" or "sick". This shall all pass soon, as I have foiund
the miracle pressure sore treatment (all the doctors have told me "There is
no miracle cure!".
Thanks again...a miliion!
Subject: Re: Well thank you!
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 10:26:52 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Hey Larry! Thanks and thanks again! Of course, you do not have to print out
anything( Just a check and your continued well being) . I really hope you
heal quickly and feel like yourself soon. Meantime, my thoughts and smiles
are being transferred to you via the canvas which you soon shall receive.!
Lotsa love, Patti Rothberg
Subject: Re: Some inspiration...
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 17:41:55 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
To: larry <>
Hey Larry, I opened your card, and it was lots of what looked like
Heiroglyphs!1 I don't think I did it right, but I'll try again when I'm in
less of a rush. I wanted to tell you that I've already begun your portrait,
and so far you are wrapped in the american flag's colors and it's based on
the picture you wanted me to work from. I'll send it off as soon as I hear
from you....., Patti
Subject: hierog0lyphics??
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 17:11:22 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
Hmmm...that's odd. It was a cool scan of Chagall's "The Birthday" which, as I
told you in the card, is what we put on the front of our invitation. If you go
here: they tell you how to view what I sent.
Whenj you have time..
So you've turned the blanket into the flag (we're both in there, right?).
That's pretty cool. You said you could send it off as soon as you hear from
me. Send what? The picture, or a scan of what you've done so far (you said
you've just begun it, so I imagine you're not finished yet)?
It's been good news/bad news week for me. I haven't been up to be able to get
a check out to you. From what the doctor said yesterday, I probably won't be
up for a while. I needed to go see a doctor because the insurance company was
saying that they were going to stop paying for the miracle treatment i've been
using. Long story short, this miracle treatment has made more progress in the
past two months than any of the traditional treatments they've used in the
past year. For the past three weeks, however, its progress has slowed. It
needed to be opened up more to give it something needing to be healed. The
doctor wants me to stay in bed. It was kind of a bummer because I planned on
going to my parent's house for Passover last night. Instead, I came home. It
was a surprise, though, because they brought the whole dinner over here and
had it in my bedroom (bringing a whole new dimension to one of the 4 questions
"Why on this night do we eat reclined instead of sitting up?")
So..bottom line - you will get a check from me. I don't know if you're aware
it it, but there's a service that I can send you the money through e-mail and
you could either get it in a check or have it deposited straight into your
bank account. I don't know if you're comfortable with that (or if it will
screw up your accounting), but you can read about it at
This way it would make things easy - I pay straight from my computer with my
credit card - and then you go to their site and tell them to deposit it in
your account. Let me know if this works for you.
Let me know. TRake care - and I hope you're able to translate the
hieroglyphics. If not, forward the message that you got back to me and i'll
put it in a format you can see it.
Subject: Omigod!
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 18:47:12 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
It just hit me...Americn Flag.....4th of July!!
You're awesome!!!!!!
Thank you times a billion.
Larry (no one ever accused me of being quick)
Subject: Re: hierog0lyphics??
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 22:00:12 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Dear Larry. WOW. I don't know what to say, cuz I haven't ever before done a
payment o'er the net...I'll ask my manager. As for your painting and the
check etc...I am just gonna send it to you (before the 4th obviously..way
before, ) and we'll just leave it as an act of faith. I have faith that you
will be up and about, and that's about the size of it! No problem..Being
that I am the youngest in my seder crew yesterday, I TOO sang the four
questions. Humor will get you through some tough stuff,..You seem to have an
abundance of both! (humor, tuff stuff). I really really hope you get better
soon! Love to you and yours, Patti R.
Re: Omigod!
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 14:32:58 -0400
"Patti Rothberg" <>
Dear Larry, You got it! Keep Feelin bettah, luv, P
4 Questions
Sat, 22 Apr 2000 15:16:43 -0700
Larry Singer <>
Patti Rothberg <>
Well, actually, I am not the youngest so I don't do the 4 Questions
anymore. Actually...unfortunately, we didn't do a sedar proper, as the
move of the dinner from my parent's to my house took up our sedar time.
I'm sure God understood.
I've got a cool 4 Questions story. When I was Bar Mitzvahed, back in my
pre-injury/Quadriplegia days, the project I chose to do was write some
chords for and play and sing the 4 Questions. I was just learning guitar
in junior high (my dream was always to be a rock star). It was really
simple stuff - probably A and D, with E thrown in for good measure. I
was always a ham - I liked to perform on stage in front of people. I had
(and still have) a pretty bad voice, though that never kept me from
Musical Theater and Chorus. Now Patti Rothberg singing the 4 Questions -
that must have been a treat! You didn't happen to have a tape rolling so
you could release it as a b-side, did you?'
You know what...forget the net payment. I'll just send you out a check
on Monday or Tuesday. I was just trying to cut out as much human contact
on my end, so that Terry didn't see an address lying around, or a check.
I'll just have my attendent write "stuff" in the check register and take
the envelope up to the blue community mailbox rather than putting it in
our mailbox. No problem.
Something I told you in the card you never saw (forward it back to me
and i'll make it so you can see it!) was that I was going to send an
additional $15 to preorder the that o.k.? Of course, i'm going
to want the CD signed, as I forgot to bring the "Between The 1 and the
9" cd booklet to have you sign when I saw you in Riverside.
Well...that's all for now. Thanks for the good healing vibes. I'm hoping
for good news on Monday when i'm measured. Hopefully, this all shall
pass soon!
Take care-
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
Subject: $$ On it's way to you!
Date: dig Tue, Apr 25, 2000, 8:37 PM
My friend came over today and helped me get together a check and
envelope for you. I'm sending you $145 - $130 for the portrait and $15
for an advance order of the new CD. When you're done (and I hope this
doesn't get confusing) i'm going to hjave you send the portrait top my
friend. This will keep the secret moore intact (as Terry would be
wondering "Why is Larry getting packages from Patti Rothberg?")
My friends address is (I included this with the check):
Larry Singer
c/o Pat Craig
6 Chantonnay
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
My address, for the CD (when it is done) is:
3692 Hamilton St.
Irvine, CA 92614
Hopefully, you'll get a chance to sign it, too.
This is so exciting. It's becoming one more step "real".
Thanks for all oif uyour time! Take care, and I hope you're doing well!
Subject: Re: $$ On it's way to you!
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 23:07:25 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Dear Larry, you are sooooo sweet you make me wanna send lots and lots of
things to you!!! And your advance payment of the CD (which also gets more
and more a reality daily) should be out this summer.I won't forget you sent
it and I'll probably be sending one of the first hot off the press copies!
yours with extra healing good vibes, Patti
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
Subject: Hellooo??
Date: dig Thu, May 11, 2000, 1:10 PM
I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you still around? How's the
portrait coming along??
I've got great news, and I wanted to share with the world...I AM
HEALED!!! It's been a long haul, but the wound has finally healed. I
went to the doctor yesterday and he said he felt that they wopund has
successfully healed and that I may be sitting. I've got the proper
cushion to sit on, so now there's not much risk for problems.
Well, write back when you get a chance and let me know how things are
Subject: correction!!!
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 10:28:38 -0700
From: Larry Singer <>
To: Patti Rothberg <>
My friend (Pat) just called me up and said the package arrived
yesterday. So I HAVE heard from, you. She said it was packed really cool
and creative. I'm so excited! I won't be able to see it until tomorrow.
24 hours. Eek!
Patience is a virtue, right?? I'll write you tomorrow after seeing it.
Subject: Re: Hellooo??
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 22:39:43 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Dear Larry, I'm so glad that you are finally healed, and I have sent you
more yellow energy for more healing potential!! So, I hope you love the
portrait as much as I enjoyed making it for you two.. Please write any ol
time, and if I haven't written in a while it is cuz I been working out
details of this exciting RECORD!! LOve, Patti
Subject: I gotta tell you....
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 19:40:45 -0700
To: Patti Rothberg <>
I just wanted to let you know that I have gone to get the portrait
framed. It's got a cool red frame on white and blue mats. It looked
really great. I go to pick it up Monday, and am almost as excited as
when I was waiting for yours to come.
It's great FINALLY being able to sit! I am getting so much accomplished
that I couldn't do from the horizontal position I had been confined to.
One of the most important things was finding the "right" framer to do
the job, which I think I did. I'll try and get a picture of it to send
to you once it's framed (and of course pictures from the weedding when I
give it to her).
Which brings me to...I need your opinion. At the wedding, I don't plan
on just handing her the picture. Rather, I want to have the DJ play a
song of yours, and then give me the mic so I can announce the
significance of playing your song...and then give her the picture,
expertly gift wrapped. What, in your opinion, would be a good song to
play at a wedding? Not a lot of happy, bouncy, romanticy kinds of songs
on "Between The 1 And The 9", are there?? I suppose I could have him
play "Inside", as that is the most instantly recognizable song of yours.
What do you think??
Well...once again, I must tell you I am thoroughly pleased and impressed
with the masterpiece you painted for me. Hey...I made a scan of it and
have attached it to this e-mail for your use. Of course, it's not to
scale, but significantly smaller for any screen to view.
Thanks again...and i'm looking forward to your input.
Subject: Re: I gotta tell you....
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 13:38:20 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Larry, your impecable taste is what makes your own wedding and all you do I trust whatever you decide to be perfectly appropo. Inside is a
little on the sad tip...maybe change your ways? it's all happy (the happiest
perhaps on the whole thang) Not too many "always and forever" type things on
it and for that, I apologize. Soon the song "NOthing I can say" will be
released, and man, that's a bit cheerier. Well, love ya, Patti
Subject: I've got it!
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 17:46:58 -0700
To: Patti Rothberg <>
Well...your reply about what song to play at the wedding was what I kind of
expected "...your impecable taste is what makes your own wedding and all you do I trust whatever you decide to be perfectly appropo." Yes...well I
spent a couple hours listening and couldn't decide what to play. Understand
me...i'm trying to avoid what I call the "Wild Colonials incident". I'm sure
you're aware of them and their song "Spark" ("the spark is gone but the love
lives on"). Well...I had it on a sampler, and I was making Terry a mix tape of
songs...just cool songs, not necessarily romantic or "meaningful" songs. I
liked the song and put it on the tape - never listening to or analyzing the
words. Well, a couple days later I was talking to Terry, who had listened to
the tape earlier that day. I had to console her tears and explain I didn't feel
that the spark had gone from our relationship. This incident was later resolved
with a new mix tape, and deletion of the song.
So anyhow...i'm sitting here mulling over the lyric sheet and the songs....and
then it comes to me! "There's a song I seem to remember that has the album
title in it!" I think to myself. "Tell me mister, do you have the time, now,
it's 24-7 on the avenue line, throw me some notes, for a change of mind,
between the 1 and the 9" keeps running through my head. But wait...on the lyric
sheet these words are NOWHERE to be found in any of the songs. And it's a real
rocker, I think to myself. So then I go throught the CD song by song. Knowing
the tempo of each song, i'm able to skip through the ones that don't sound like
it. After song 12, I accidentally touch the skip button and it hits song
13...but there's only 12 listed on the booklet! And then there's 14...then
15...I get it! She hid the song on the CD! And what do you song 19 I
hear the drum beat and know i'm there! How clever...."Between the 1 and the
9"....Song 19. So....i've found my song! It's completely innocuous, it's a fun problems!
That's so funny...i've been listening to this thing 4 1/2 years now never
knowing that was hidden! I guess cause I always had it just playing in the
stereo...never really "studying" the album. Sometimes I would hear the
song...other times not. Of course...depending on if I played the album and
stopped it when I thought it ended...or if I just loaded up my 5-CD carousel
and let them play on.
Well thanks for your input and thanks for making such great music!
Subject: Re: I've got it!
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 23:43:17 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
I assure you that I didn't mean to 'cop out" or something by telling you
that you have good taste so YOU should decide...I just wouldn't want to be a
"Wild Colonial"..I hope 1&9 works great, and you're one of the very few to
actually notice the 1 9 hidden track thing (and mention it anyhow~) well,
lotsa luck and love, P
Subject: Oops!
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 21:28:28 -0700
To: Patti Rothberg <>
I'm sorry - I wasn't trying to imply that you were copping out. Upon rereading...I
guess it kind of came across like that. I just expected that you would say what you
said because music is subjective, and one gets out of it what they want. You, in
your letter, suggested I decide on my own, because that is what will make it
special. I understand and appreciate that view...and that forced me to look deeper
into the album - eventually finding song 19.
Thanks for everything!
Subject: By the way...
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 21:35:36 -0700
To: Patti Rothberg <>
were you ever able to view that scan of the portrait??
Subject: Re: Oops!
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 14:15:17 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Double Oops!
I don't even think that you meant anything. I'm just a verrry sensitive
poison (person with Fran Drescher accent)..but I just hope your wedding is
all starsnstripes! Love ya, P
Subject: Re: By the way...
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 14:22:21 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
I don't think so, wanna try again?
Subject: Re: By the way...
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 20:25:15 -0700
To: Patti Rothberg <>
O.k...sensitivity accepted. Now...i'm trying to send you the scan again.
It should either appear on this e-mail, or you should be able to click
on the file name below and it will be put on your hard drive. It's
called "halfpatti.jpg". If neither of those options work, i'll put it up
on a webpage and send you to that.
Subject: Re: By the way...
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 02:30:59 -0400
From: "Patti Rothberg" <>
Dear Lsinger, WOW that looks awesome in all it's e glory! I'm really glad
you were able to send it, and fear no more, cuz yer mission's complete!
Peace on earth and goodwill towards Larry, Patti
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