Turning in the Dissertation
The big step of the whole dissertation process is actually turning in the dissertation. This should be a relatively painless process, since the student has been guided along the way, and has been shown everything they need to successfully turn in their dissertation. If the student follows the guidelines, the process should simply be a matter of opening the library door to enter, handing the dissertation to the reader, and opening the door to the library to leave. We are prepared in our Dissertation Prep class for this to be a joyous occassion, the moment we BECOME a doctor. We are told we walk in the library a regular person and leave a doctor.
These pictures tell a different story:
Our destination!
"Mr." Larry Singer (written on the sign) and his trusty dog Hawk, PhD (Pretty hairy Dog) approaching the library, dissertation in the lucky bag
Almost there, Terry & Dad with almost Dr.Singer
Wow...they even have my picture on their door! Larry tries to remember if he sued them for the automatic doors.
God...er, Heather, the reader, ready to run through the document with a fine tooth comb
Everybody passing their time in their own ways while waiting on pins and needles.
Ready to go...
Here's your lucky bag
"Sorry...but where's your 4 part form?"
"It's right there...this form.Walter Library told us today it was this form."
"Oh no...that's just the title page. You need this form...can't accept your dissertation."
"And these Money Orders that say "Money Order" aren't money orders because they are invalid in 6 months. Sorry...can't accept it."
Dad steps up in the ring to assist his son.
Dad pulls out the wallet.
Still not wanting to budge.