His response...
At 10:56 AM 1/4/97 +0000, you wrote:
>That would be cool. A few things, though...i'm in a wheelchair, as you
>may have seen if you saw my webpage, and have a van that I need to be
>driven around in. I asked one of the Yellow Roomers if she'd give me a
>ride, and she said she would...but I haven't heard from her. I just
>paged her, so w'll see. But...my number is 714-786-9404 (it's no
>secret...alot of the Yellow Roomers have it). That's great thgat you two
>are like us. What took you so long to find us?? Join in..you're very
>welcome to!
And hers...
Subject: Re: A ride...
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 11:07:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Terry Michaels <tmichaels@earthlink.net>
To: lsinger@mail.edm.net
I was just observing (for a long time). I'm not particulary shy, just felt that you all were so tightly knit. But then I heard about what might be "the end" to my listening to radio (again!) and decided I'd better let some people know I'm here. I've been "pen palling" with Nicole & Mimi for months.
Let me know if you get an answer to your page. If not, I'll call Rosaleen & pass along your message...
I haven't checked your homepage (sorry).
Terry Michaels
Hate is NOT a family value.
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