Terry (Mrs. Dr.) doing her Grad Libs, with proud Dad helping out.
I need an adjective!
Deblyn, Lisa, Carole, & Connie (from left). Not only did Deblyn & Connie provide some great music, but Lisa also demonstrated the "spoon on your nose" trick.
(in the background, Dr.Dick Ettleson, Mauri-Lynne, George Nalbach, Jennifer, Aunt Sheila, Uncle Eddie, Ellen, Dave, GG, & Dad)
Tim & Laura Myers (Tim trying to see his reflection in the spoon - shoulda used Cascade...actually, he's wondering if THIS is where all those Wild Oats spoons went!)
(hmmmmm...they're newlyweds...what are THEY doing out?)
Mrs. Dr. reading her speech
Everyone awaiting the mystery of the spoons
Awww...that was a sweet spoon story!
Dr. Larry and his dear, sweet friend Kelley, who came all the way out from Vacaville to celebrate!